Webelos Progress Report – October 8, 2012

Fitness Activity BadgeYesterday The Webelos 1 and new Webelos 2 boys reviewed the Bobcat requirements and worked on their Fitness Activity Badge.

In our den meeting we discussed what fitness means, the importance of both physical and mental fitness, how mental and physical fitness work together, we talked about building a safety notebook at home and what should go into it, we covered meal planning and how to use the food pyramid to assist, we also covered portion sizes and the importance of reading food labels.

Next week we will finish off the discussions one what some of the terms on the labels mean, the effects of tobacco, alcohol and drugs on the body; physically and mentally and then move on to the Athlete Activity Badge.


  1. They need to read the Fitness chapter in their handbooks.
  2. They need to complete fitness requirements 2-8.
  3. Review the Athlete chapter in their handbooks.


After next week’s discussion, assuming your son has turned in his handouts, he will have earned his fitness activity badge.  For those boys who missed last nights meeting, they can complete the fitness requirements with the assistance and guidance of a parent.

The Handouts

Meal Plan & Record
Fitness Talk Sign Off Sheets

Additional Resources

How to Protect Your Child From Child Abuse
Kids Health : Smoking Stinks
Kids Health: Alcohol Dangers
Kids Health: What You Need To Know About Drugs
Choose To Refuse (Formerly Take A Stand Against Drugs! for Requirement 8)

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