When you look in a mirror, what do you see? You probably see one boy with one color of hair, one color of eyes, one nose, one mouth, one head, and one body. It’s all about the number one. As one boy you can do many things. You can keep your room clean, do your school work, sing a song, ride a bike, and fly a kite all by yourself. But what if there was another boy beside you helping out? Could you do twice as much? Would your chores be finished quicker if you had help? What about three or four more boys working together? How much could you do?
In this adventure, you will see how you are part of several teams and how much you can accomplish with your team. You will tackle challenges with your Tiger den team,
do projects at home with your family team, and also see how you can become part of a community team.
So get ready to roar, team Tiger!
Rationale for Adventure
In this adventure, the Tiger will be exploring how he might be different from others but also the same as others, and also how he can be a part of many teams. He will learn and experience ways he can help his den team, his family team, and his community team.
Team Tiger
Complete requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others
- With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, or with your den, talk about what it means to be part of a team. List some of the teams you are on (den, pack, family, class, etc.), and explain how you can help each one.
- With your den, talk about your Tiger team. Then make a chart showing all the different ways team members can help the den. Volunteer to take your turn doing at least two different jobs, one of which is leading the Pledge of Allegiance.
- With your family, talk about how family members each have a role in the family team. Then pick a job that you will do to help the team. Follow through by doing that job at least three times during the next three weeks.
- With your den or family, participate as a team in a service project that helps our country or your community.
- With your den, make a chart or picture showing how you and your teammates make a better team because you are alike in some ways but different in others.
Takeaways for Cub Scouts
- Understanding that each Cub Scout is part of many teams and, as such, he can have an impact on his family, his Tiger den, and his community.
- A Scout is trustworthy, loyal.
Historical Requirements
2015 Handbook Requirements
Adventure Location:
Tiger Handbook, page 66
Tiger Den Leader Guide, page 55
- List the different teams of which you are a part.
- With your den, make a den job chart that shows everyone doing something to help. As one of the den jobs, lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a den meeting.
- Pick two chores you will do at home once a week for a month.
- Make a chart to show three ways that members of your Tiger team are different
from each other. - Do an activity to help your community or neighborhood team.