
Webelos Elective Adventure: Engineer


Everything we use in our world started as an idea in someone’s mind. Maybe there was a real need like having to cross a body of water, or maybe it was a dream like flying in the sky or walking on the moon. Maybe someone wanted to just have a good time and built amusement park rides.

Once you have the idea, to make it become a reality, you will build or create a design that will meet the need. Many times the first creation will not be completely successful, but as an engineer, you will learn why it failed, and keep working toward building it better each time until it is a success.

There are many types of engineers whose work touches our lives on a daily basis. Below are a few types of engineers whose work we can see and use as we go about our lives.

Rationale for Adventure

Introduction to engineering fields for Webelos Scouts


Webelos/AOL Elective Adventure: Engineer
Do all of these:

  1. Pick one type of engineer. With the help of the Internet, your local library, or a local engineer you may know or locate, discover and record in your book three things that describe what that engineer does. (Be sure to have your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian’s permission to use the Internet.) Share your findings with your Webelos den.
  2. Learn to follow engineering design principles by doing the following:
    1. Examine a set of blueprints. Using these as a model, construct your own set of blueprints or plans to design a project.
    2. Using the blueprints or plans from your own design, construct your project. Your project may be something useful or something fun.
    3. Share your project with your Webelos den and your pack by displaying the project at a pack meeting.
  3. Explore other fields of engineering and how they have helped form our past, present, and future.
  4. Pick and do two projects using the engineering skills you have learned. Share your projects with your den, and also exhibit them at a pack meeting.