Collections and Hobbies

Wolf Elective Adventure: Collections and HobbiesA hobby is something you enjoy doing in your spare time. It allows you to participate in an activity that you find exciting and interesting. You might also learn a new skill from a hobby. There are lots of hobbies you can enjoy, from reading a book to collecting items you are interested in. Both reading and collecting items allow you to learn something new.

You can collect almost anything! You might already have a collection of one of your favorite things at home and do not even realize it could be considered a collection. Your collection could be displayed in plastic sleeves (like patches or baseball cards), in a picture frame, or in an egg crate. However you choose to display your collection is up to you.

Rationale for Adventure

Everywhere we look we see collections. A collection of plants is a garden; a collection of cows is a herd. And any group of objects that are similar and special to you counts as a collection too. That collection says something about you as a person. They demonstrate what you like or find interesting. Collecting items or having a hobby allows you to learn a new skill or develop a better understanding about a certain thing or object. You can also meet new people while enjoying your hobby.


Complete the following requirements

  1. Begin a collection of at least 10 items that all have something in common. Label the items and title your collection.
  2. Share your collection at a den meeting.
  3. Complete one of the following and tell your den what you learned:
    1. Visit a show or museum that displays different collections or models.
    2. Watch a webcast or other media presentation about collecting or model building.
  4. Complete one of the following:
    1. Create an autograph book and get at least 10 autographs. Start with members of your den.
    2. With your parent’s or guardian’s permission, pick a famous living person, and write him or her a letter. In your letter, ask the person to send you an autographed photo.

Takeaways for Cub Scouts

  • Enthusiasm for starting a collection
  • Cooperation and showing respect for others
  • Completing a task
  • Listening skills
  • A Scout is courteous

Historical Requirements

2015 Handbook Requirements

Wolf Handbook, page 178
Wolf Den Leader Guide, page 105

  1. Begin a collection of at least 10 items that all have something in common. Label the items and title your collection.
  2. Share your collection at a den meeting.
  3. Visit a show or museum that displays different collections or models.
  4. Create an autograph book and get at least 10 autographs. Start with members of your den.
  5. Pick a famous living person, and write him or her a letter. In your letter, ask the person to send you an autographed photo.
  6. Play a game with your den that involves collecting.