Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries

Tiger Adventure: Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical MysteriesEver wonder how a magician does a trick? Can you spell your name using your hands or read your name on a paper with your eyes closed? Do you think you could turn an object another color? Get your Tiger stripes moving and let’s solve some mysteries!


Rationale for Adventure

Tigers are always looking for an exciting adventure. They are curious about how things work and always want to learn and discover more. In Curiosity and Intrigue, Tigers, with you and their adult partner helping, will learn about cracking codes and mysteries as well as how science helps us solve problems and discover why things work a certain way.


Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries
Complete requirements 1 and 2 plus at least one other.

  1. Do the following:
    1. Learn a magic trick. Practice your magic trick so you can perform it in front of an audience.
    2. Create an invitation to a magic show.
    3. With your den or with your family, put on a magic show for an audience.
  2. Spell your name using sign language, and spell your name in Braille.
  3. Create a secret code. Share it with your family or den.
  4. With the other Scouts in your den or with your family, crack a code that you did not create.
  5. With the help of your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, conduct a science demonstration that shows how magic works. Share what you learned from your science demonstration.

Takeaways for Cub Scouts

  • Cooperating with others
  • Completing simple tasks
  • Practicing Listening
  • Practicing communicating
  • Practicing teamwork in games
  • A Scout is helpful, friendly

Historical Requirements

2015 Handbook Requirements

Adventure Location:
Tiger Handbook, page 108
Tiger Den Leader Guide, page 85

  1. Learn a magic trick. Practice your magic trick so you can perform it in front of an audience.
  2. Create an invitation to a magic show.
  3. With your den or with your family, put on a magic show for an audience.
  4. Create a secret code.
  5. With the other Scouts in your den or with your family, crack a code that you did not create.
  6. Spell your name using sign language, and spell your name in Braille.
  7. With the help of your adult partner, conduct a science demonstration that shows how magic works.
  8. Share what you learned from your science demonstration.