Tiger Bites

Tiger Adventure: Tiger BitesWe all have to eat to survive. In this adventure you will learn about how to properly feed your body to make you strong and healthy. You will learn about good food choices, how to keep yourself clean and good manners. You will have the opportunity to practice THREE parts of the Scout Law—a Scout is clean, a Scout is helpful, and a Scout is courteous.


Rationale for Adventure

Introduce or reinforce healthy eating habits through food choices, and hygiene. Introduce or reinforce good manners in relation to food and entertaining. Provide an opportunity for the Scout to provide a useful service to his family.


Tiger Bites
Complete requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others.

  1. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, or with your den, find out about good food choices and not-so-good choices. Identify three foods that you think would be good choices and three foods that would not be good choices.
  2. Explain the importance of hand washing before a meal and cleanup after a meal.Then show how you would do each.
  3. Show that you know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable. Eat one of each.
  4. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, pick a job to help your family at mealtime. Do it for at least four meals.
  5. Talk with your parent, guardian, or other caring adult about what foods you can eat with your fingers. Practice your manners when eating them.
  6. With your parent, guardian, or other caring adult, plan and make a good snack choice or other nutritious food to share with your den.

 Takeaways for Cub Scouts

  • Making healthy food choices
  • Trying new fruits and vegetables
  • Developing manners when eating
  • Practicing basic food-related hygience
  • A Scout is clean, helpful, courteous

Historical Requirements

2015 Handbook Requirements

Adventure Location:
Tiger Handbook, page 78
Tiger Den Leader Guide, page 63

  1. Identify three good food choices and three foods that would not be good choices.
  2. Show that you know the difference between a fruit and a vegetable. Eat one of each.
  3. With your adult partner, pick a job to help your family at mealtime. Do it every day for one week.
  4. Show you can keep yourself and your personal area clean.
  5. Talk with your adult partner about what foods you can eat with your fingers. Practice your manners when eating them.
  6. With your adult partner, plan and make a good snack choice or other nutritious food to share with your den.