A Cub Scout promises to do his duty to God. What is your duty to God? How do you do it? Your family can help you learn about God.
(Wolf handbook page 94)
11a – Complete the Character Connection for Faith.
Know: What is “faith”? With your family, discuss some people who have shown their faith—who have shown an inner strength based on their trust in a higher power or cause. Discuss the good qualities of these people.
Commit: Discuss these questions with your family: What problems did these faithful people overcome to follow or practice their beliefs? What challenges might you face in doing your duty to God? Who can help you with these challenges?
Practice: Practice your faith while doing the requirements for “Duty to God.”
11b – Talk with your family about what they believe is their duty to God.
11c – Give two ideas on how you can practice or demonstrate your religious beliefs. Chose one and do it.
11d – Find out how you can help your church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or religious fellowship.