Firehouse 2011 – Success

Tonight was a fun night at the firehouse.  The cub scouts and their siblings got to explore 2 fire engines and an ambulance/fire rescue vehicle.  They got a crash course in fire safety both in prevention and what to do in the event up.  Then the firemen gave them all coloring books.  It was a fun night had by all.

The assignment the kids took from this is to do the fire safety worksheet given out to them last week, especially the part where they count the number of fire detectors in their homes.  The fire department will assist the families who do not have enough working detectors in their homes by coming out and installing new detectors for you.

Any parents that took pictures should email me the pictures and we will start a gallery on the site.

Remember we meet up at 9am on Saturday for our Scouting For Food bag collection and then we will immediately take the canned goods to the food bank.

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