User Registrations Enabled

I have the security tightened down enough to allow user registrations now.  You can register and login to the site via the “Login” link at the bottom of the page.  Once I get to the point where I am working on the theme (appearance of the site), I will go ahead and implement easier ways to log in and modify your profiles.

Over the next couple days you may see some changes to the registration process as I further tighten it down but at this point security is stable and most comment & registration spam should be thwarted.

Enough of that, why would you want to register?

Mainly so you can interact, as we post events you will be able to comment on them engage in discussion or even help plan without having to rely on another site.  More importantly, this is a private site and we want interaction to be among the pack’s community and not just the general public.  Only someone with an active interest in the pack will take the time to register.As a result, as the site matures there is a good chance that things such as photos, downloads, forms etc… will require an active account to access.



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