Milk Caps, Christmas Party & More

Milk Caps

We are going to be doing some Holiday arts & crafts on Monday and milk caps from gallon jugs are required.  Please bring as many milk caps as you can.  After the meeting Monday, we will post what we worked on in case anyone is interested in doing the same at home.

Christmas Party

We ask that parents each bring a snack for the Christmas Party on December 19th.  Gina Wilson and Karen Wonsor will be working on a list at Monday’s Den meeting.


All dues should be paid up to at least 50% by now with the remainder due next month.  January will be a busy month as we will be rechartering, planning  events for the remainder of the year, holding our Pinewood Derby and preparing for the Klondike Derby.

Oh and one more thing…

Don’t Forget Your Milkcaps!!!


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