Welcome 2012

We hope that everyone had an incredible Holiday Season.  With the crazy amount of Christmas Cookies and New Years Snacks around, I am sure the little ones are abound with sugar induced energy while the rest of us feel like we are stuck in slow motion.

We start off the new year on January 9th and we have a few things going on this month that we want to give some advance notice on.


January is rechartering month for us.  We need to recharter the pack and part of that requires that we have the remainder of the dues turned in.  This is vital therefore all dues are required to be paid in full by January 16th.  There are only a handful of people left who still owe dues and it would be ideal if we could have them on Monday the 9th, but January 16th is the absolute deadline and we will not accept checks post dated after that date.


The boys should have their handbooks by now and we would like for them to bring their books to all den meetings unless we are meeting somewhere other than the gym.  That said, we would like to start off the new year by going through the boys handbooks and making sure everything is signed off that needs to be signed off.  Please be sure that you bring the hand books on Monday January 9th.   If you do not have a handbook, please talk to one of the leaders and we will see what we can do to assist you with tracking your son’s progress.

Cub Scout Klondike

The Cub Scout Klondike this year is going to be held on January 21st.  Nancy will talk to the parents about the Klondike on Monday the 9th.  There is not a whole lot of time to get ready for this but we need an accurate head count and will need to collect the cost of the Klondike right away.

Emergency Preparedness

This month we would like to hit on Emergency Preparedness again.  At the end of the month, the Tigers, Wolves and Bears will be getting two American Red Cross training courses for free; First Aid for Children Today (FACT) and Basic Aid Training (BAT).  While the Webelos are welcome to take these courses, we are planning to provide them with the official American Red Cross First Aid Training as well as CPR which will include the option to test for officially First Aid and CPR certifications.  Volunteer Scouters are also welcome to earn the Emergency Preparedness Award.  If as a leader, you are interested in what is required for you to earn the award contact Tom for information.


We are gearing up for our first fundraiser.  We will be selling Krispy Kreme Donuts by the dozen in the form of certificates.  The buyers get them cheaper than in store and the pack raises money at the same time.  More on that soon.

Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby will be coming up.  At the next meeting lets discuss plans for the derby.

Trips, Outings and Camping

We have some ideas in mind but at this time let’s hear from you. Throw some suggestions our way for not just camping/overnighters but what about day trips that relate to what the boys need to work on?  Any ideas?


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