Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby is an exciting event for the boys and I am glad we were all able to organize a way to make it all it can be for everyone involved. The workshop seemed to go rather well for our 1st and hopefully a tradition can be formed. The scouts were very excited and we had a lot of positive participation. I am hoping our Derby race will be even better.

In order to ensure that all the boys get to race every track and each other we will be having the Pinewood Derby registration and weigh in On March 26th,2012. This is very important to ensure that the cars are at the proper weight of 5oz and qualify to race.

All those planning on participating in the Pinewood Derby on April 2, 2012  must bring their cars on March 26th in order to be inspected, registered and weighed in. Once registered the cars will be secured at the facility until time of the race.  This is important because on April 2nd we will begin racing at 6:00 PM sharp. There will be no time for late registrations. Anyone that fails to register on March 26th will only be able to spectate.

On Monday April 2nd, we will have our Pinewood Derby.  The first heat (race) will begin at 6:00 PM SHARP!!!  Please be on time.  If anyone would like to volunteer to assist with setting up the gym, please contact us.  We will be opening up the gym approximately between 2:00 and 3:00 to begin setting up.

At the race we will be having:

  • Pizza- Please remember to bring in $5.00  per family on Monday 3/26
  • Baked Ziti
  • Cookies
  • Cupcakes

We will still need the following items:

  • Tigers-  Snacks (potato chips,pretzels, finger food)
  • Wolves and Bears – Drinks  (juice boxes, bottled water, Pouches preferred)
  • Webelos- Paper/Plastic Products ( Napkins,Plastic silverware,plates, table clothes)

There will be a sign up sheet at the meeting on 3/26.         Thank you for all you do.

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