Fort Mifflin Camping Trip – LAST CALL

This is the last call for the Fort Mifflin Camping trip.  I need a final headcount and payment yesterday. Well yesterday may not work so lets aim for Tuesday. I have to turn the information and payment in to the fort next Friday.  So this really is the last call.

If I do not hear from you, ASAP, I am going to assume you are not going to go.

The cost of this camping trip is $35 per camper, however the Fort is offering ghost tours for an additional $5 per person.  The ghost tour is an optional add on and not required to camp at the fort.  Your $35 will includes the following;

What’s Included in the price of $35 per person):

  • Overnight Stay at Fort Mifflin
  • Personal guided tour of the fort in the company of a Revolutionary War soldier
  • Uniform and Weapons demonstrations
  • Access to the Nature Trails and riverfront High Battery Area
  • Allowance of individual and small group exploration throughout the Fort & surrounding areas.
  • Breakfast provided by the fort (hot & cold cereal, milk, juice, pancakes, sausage & hot beverages)
  • Dinner (provided by us)
  • Campfire Activities
  • Free Parking
  • Possible lowering and raising of the Fort’s garrison flag
  • An Artillery Demonstration (paid for by Pack 155 and guest units)
  • A Saturday hike through the nature trails.

Note: There are bathroom facilities inside the fort however it is important to know that the water at Fort Mifflin is not potable. So you will need to bring plenty of drinking water.

Full details for the camping trip can be found at:

  • Tent/Cot
  • Comfortable bedding, including pillow.
  • Drinking Water (again the water at the fort is non-potable)
  • Snacks
  • Flash Light
  • Warm clothing in cooler months
  • Rain gear if it has rained in the past 24 hours, especially boots & extra socks.

However, as scouts we would bring more than that.  Here is a sample list of basics to bring camping:

Again, I can not stress the importance of getting your headcount and payment to me ASAP.  If you have any issues or concerns please contact me.  I can reached by email (cubmaster (at) or via telephone (215/948/2269)


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