Pack Meeting Next Week on November 26th

We missed our last Pack/Parent Meeting, having instead used that date to make up make up our Halloween party which was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy.  We will be making up that meeting next week on Monday November 26th.  We had originally considered skipping it but since there will not be one in December due to it being a short month, having off two weeks for Holidays, we felt it best to have it as soon as possible.

As usual we ask all boys to wear as much of their official uniform as they have. We also ask that at least one parent stay for the meeting for announcements and to support their scout in their accomplishments.  We will not be doing much in the way of skits in part due to this being a make up meeting but also because we will be having a Bobcat ceremony for all new scouts, having completed their Bobcat rank as well as handing out any other earned accomplishments to the boys.

Side note:

On the topic of pack meetings, we have decided that it would serve our families better to hold these at the end of the month going forward. This should allow us to make announcements for the upcoming month a bit timelier, minimizing short notice when possible. We will be updating the calendar with these changes shortly.

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