2012 Christmas Party & More

Christmas Party

Remember, next week is our annual Christmas Party.  We moved the time to begin at 6:30 instead of 7:00.  It will be a great time for all.  The leaders of Pack 155 will be providing the main dish and families volunteered to bring snacks, beverages & paper products.  We have a small gift for the boys and a surprise visitor coming as well so be sure to bring a camera.

No Meetings for the Remainder of December

Please remember we will not be meeting on December 24th (Christmas Eve) nor on December 31st (New Year’s Eve).  This is part of the reason it is important to have dues paid by Monday the 17th.  We will be rechartering the pack over the Christmas break so once again I can’t stress the importance of coming to us if you have any issues. We can not put anyone on the charter who hasn’t paid dues.


Dues for the 2013 year are $100 and will cover the full year from January 1st, 2013 through December 31st, 2013.  If you have any concerns, speak with us immediately as anyone who has not paid will not be registered with the pack for the new year. It is important that all boys have an up to date registration so that they can participate in organized scouting activities.  Proper registration is mandatory for insurance and liability purposes.  Please Note:  The $100.00 is strictly for the 2013 scouting year and covers the entire year, January 1st through December 31st.  For new scouts it does not cover the $20 that covered the remainder of the 2012 scouting year.  If you still owe this $20.00, it is due immediately and must be paid in full before any monies will be applied to the 2013 scouting year.

The New Year

The new year is going to start off busy. Right from the get go we will be getting ready for lots of fun such as the Klondike Derby, Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold and then camping season and summer activities will commence.

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