Webelos Progress Report – December 10th, 2012

The Webelos have been finishing up the Citizen Activity Badge.  This badge is required in order to earn the Webelos Rank Badge.

The Citizen Activity Badge has a total of 17 requirements.  In order to earn the badge, they need to complete the first 8 requirements and then any 2 of the remaining 9 requirements.   As a group, over 2 den meetings we have covered the following requirements; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 14.  If your scout was absent for either of these two days they will need to make up what they missed in order to earn the badge.  They can do this on their own and any guardian can sign off on it.

The outstanding requirements to complete this belt loop are 1c, 6, and 8. Requirement 1c is simply a quick discussion about how any of the requirements done helped them be a good citizen.  Requirement 6 is about how the Star Spangled Banner was written. Requirement 8 is to earn the Citizenship Belt Loop, which has 3 requirements of its own.  Earning the Citizenship Belt Loop is something that must be done at home hence the homework assignments.

  • Citizenship Belt Loop requirement 1: Develop a list of jobs you can do around the home.  Chart your progress for one week.
  • Citizenship Belt Loop requirement 2: Make a poster showing things that you can do to be a good citizen.
  • Citizenship Belt Loop requirement 3: Participate in a family, den, or school service project.

Both requirements 1 & 2 can be done on a piece of paper.  Requirement three will require some thought but anyone that participated in Scouting for Food has met this requirement.


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