Webelos Progress Report – February 11, 2013

This week, the Webelos started reviewing the remaining requirements for the Webelos Rank. Specifically covered requirements 3, 4, 8a, 8b and then discussed what was needed to complete requirements 8e and then 8c.  Requirement 8 is about Faith and as such 8e and 8c must be done at home. You can find all of details about the requirements in the Webelos handbook and on the Webelos Badge page on our site.  Next week we will go over requirement 7, finishing up the Webelos Badge requirements.

Once we finish up requirement 7, the Webelos will be given a choice of which activity badge they want to work on next. We will need to finish this one up fairly quickly to ensure it is done by March 11th before the Blue & Gold.

I can’t stress enough the importance of the boys finishing up their assignments they were handed out thus far this year. There are 3 boys that have not turned in their requirements to finish up Fitness and several who have not finished Citizen. Once these are done and we complete the last Activity Badge by March 11, the boys will have earned their Webelos rank and be awarded it at the Blue and Gold.   Any boys who do not finish by then are still eligible to earn their rank but they will not earn it at the Blue & Gold rank ceremony.

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