Webelos Progress Report – February 4, 2013

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted.  Maintenance on the backend of the site was being performed and I didn’t want to risk losing the post and having to post it again.

Last Monday night the Webelos started working on their Athlete Activity Badge. This is the 3rd activity badge we covered in entirety to be used towards the Webelos rank.  Anyone who completed their Fitness Activity Badge and Citizen Activity Badge will have completed the three Activity Badge requirement for the Webelos Rank upon completion of Athlete.

We taught the boys basic exercises that build strength and endurance and helped them perform a baseline of where they currently stand. They are then to try and improve each area over a 30 day period, tracking their progress once per week. On week 5 they are required to bring in their forms and we will test them one more time to show them how their improvement indicates they are growing stronger.

We completed Webelos Athlete Activity Badge requirements 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, and 3.  We touched on requirement 4 and we started requirements 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 6 & 7

Attached below is a copy of the form your scouts were given. The form is nothing more than a printed copy of page 132 of the Webelos handbook.  Those who did not make the meeting should print out a copy and have someone help them get started right away. You have 3 days to complete this if you wish to earn it in time for the Blue & Gold in March.

Next week, Monday February 11th, we will start working on the remaining Webelos Badge requirements to finish up the Webelos rank. After that we will probably go into knife safety and have the Bears and Webelos earn their Whittling Chip.

Activity Badge Progress Record

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