2013 Wissahickon Summer Hike

Baloo HikingAs we approach our final Summer Activity, it is now time to start getting yourself into hiking mode.  Let’s start with some details about the hike itself.  We will be hiking approximately 3 to 3.5 miles in Wissahickon Park.  The hike will begin and end at the Upper Forbidden Drive Parking Lot (Parking Lot 4) on Bells Mill Rd.  There will be several stops along the way to encourage taking a drink and then a longer stop for lunch.  The hike, with stops and a lunch break, could take several hours so please keep that in mind.  Also please note the warnings at the end of this post.

Wissahickon Park is a scenic and scout friendly park. There is a lot of nature to see as we stroll through the scenic river gorge with statues, large rocks, streams and enough natural views to have you disbelieving that you are still in the city of Philadelphia.

As with any other scouting event, preparation is key. It is August and it will more than likely be a hot summer day.  Maintaining hydration, adequate energy levels and protecting your skin are the three most important things to keep in mind. EVERY Person, youth & adult, will be required to carry a filled water bottle with them as well as have some trail snacks and a bagged lunch with them. With that in mind, it is important to remember you that will need to carry whatever you bring for the entire hike; so it is important to not overdo it. Each scout should be able to carry his own gear; if there is any doubt then it is recommended that he bring a backpack to carry his stuff.  Parents should not be carrying their scout’s gear for them.

Certain items will be necessary to keep on his person.  So what do you need to bring along?  Let’s get right down to it…Akela Hiking

  • Water
  • Scout Cap
  • Class A or Class B uniform
  • Long Pants
  • Good Walking/Hiking shoes
  • Spare Socks
  • Water
  • Water Bottle or Canteen filled with WATER ONLY
  • Trail Snacks (No Sugary Snacks)
  • Bagged Lunch (nothing heavy, may use sports drink otherwise no sugary drinks)
  • Water
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray
  • Pocket First Aid Kit
  • Whistle (in case they fall off and get lost)
  • Water
  • Oh and don’t forget some water.

Some additional information that you may find useful

  • Hiking Safety
    • Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
    • Never hike alone or at night; use the buddy system.
    • Dress properly for the weather and environment.
    • Wear sun and insect protection
    • Take an extra pair of socks in case you need to change.
    • Obey traffic signs and signals.
    • Avoid hiking along roadways.
    • Stay on the trail.
    • Be alert to your surroundings.
    • Don’t litter as you hike.
    • Be alert to dangerous animals, insects, and plants. Never touch a wild animal.
    • Take 1 pint of water for each hour you will be hiking. Never drink untreated water.

You can find examples of hiking food here:  http://www.hikingdude.com/hiking-food.php
With a trail mix recipe here: http://www.hikingdude.com/trail-mix-recipe.php
Information on Hiking gear can be found here: http://www.hikingdude.com/hiking-gear.php


Additional Information/Warnings:

I want to point out that much of this trail is a real hiking trail and not a simple stroll through Pennypack park.  There are sections similar to a typical Pennypack trail and then there are sections that are very rocky with tree roots that require paying attention to where you step.  There are a few sections that are single track thus only wide enough to walk single file.  There are a couple downed trees, which are easy to get over but never the less they are there right across the path and require climbing over.  In addition, there are a couple of sections that require strict discipline from scouts, such as the steep set of stone steps we will be coming down on. They are not something for the kids to play on.  Lastly there is one, possibly two steep inclines that will be a bit of a challenge and give you a nice cardio workout going up.

If anyone has issues once we reach the lunch spot (the first hill) there is an alternate return path (Forbidden Drive) that is nothing more than a level gravel path through the length of the park. Forbidden Drive still has a nice scenic view and allows you to cross the covered bridge.  Adults who find going up a second hill too difficult will be welcome to take the gravel road back while we return on the hiking trails.  As for the scouts, well it is called Forbidden Drive for a reason, they are forbidden from taking Forbidden Drive and will need to hike it through the woods.

Due to the nature of these trails we have to restrict the hike to scouts and scout age siblings only.  As previously mentioned there are a couple parts of the trail that require the boys to listen as they cross them.  On a positive note, the scouts should find the trail to be a bit adventurous.  A few of us went and scouted out the trail last weekend and while it was a tiring trail it was a fun one.

Let Us Know You are Coming

While there is no cost for this hike we still want a headcount so that we can be sure we have everyone before leaving. Please let us know if you will be attending the hike by sending us an email to:


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