Arrow of Light Progress Report – November 25th, 2013

Last week we began working on the Traveler Activity Badge.  In earning the Traveler activity badge, you’re scout will learn the basics of reading a map, how to use public transportation and how to plan family trips.  Specifically we worked on Traveler requirements 9, 10, and 12.

Requirement 9 is looking at a map legend and learning what the symbols mean. Requirement 10 was finding a place of interest on a road map and to draw two different routes to it and determine which route is shorter. Requirement 12 is to earn the Geography Belt Loop which is done by drawing a map of the neighborhood, learning the geography of the community, and using a globe to locate the continents, oceans, equator, hemispheres.

This week will will fine tune the above requirements and begin covering the topics covered by their home assignments.

Home Assignments

Handouts were provided to begin requirements 7 & 8 as well as one to reinforce what requirement 9 teaches.

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