2014 Pinewood Derby

Pinewood DerbyEarlier today we held our held our third annual Pinewood Derby Workshop. It went really smooth, as expected.  Several boys and their parents took advantage of the opportunity to get some pinewood derby tips, choose a design, get their cars cut out and sanded down.  All they have to do this week is get their cars painted, add the wheels and get ready to race.

This year’s Pinewood Derby is this Saturday April 12th. Vehicle registration and weigh in will start at 10:00 AM and end promptly at 11:00 AM.  The Pinewood Derby itself will begin at 11:00 AM with the first heat running at 11:15 AM.


Once the race begins new cars will not be accepted under any circumstance.  The software we use to generate the race schedule uses an algorithm that guarantees each car runs on each track at least once and races against different cars each race.  It is impossible, once the first race begins, to add new vehicles to the lineup without starting all over and invalidating the results of any races that already had taken place.   We do not have the time to start over and will not be doing so.


Lunch will be provided at no cost for the participating scouts. Any parent, sibling or friends may purchase something to eat and drink at a nominal cost, after lunch is served to the scouts.

We will be setting up the gym Friday evening starting at 7:00 PM.  Anyone who wishes to help is welcome.  If we have enough help we will allow early registrations and weigh-ins.  Even if you aren’t willing to commit your car for the next morning’s race it is a great opportunity to find out if your car meets the requirements so you have some time to make any final adjustments.

It is important to make sure that your car adheres to the rules. The rules are attached below.  The rules for our pack are in line with the district rules and strict adherence will be enforced.  If your car does not adhere to the rules it will be unable to race.

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