Blue and Gold sign up

A quick reminder that we will need your head count for this Saturday’s event at tonight’s pack meeting.Please give a total head count for all that will be attending. If you will not be attending the ceremony we still need a response letting us know.  Scouts,2 adults and children 6 and under are free.  There will be a $10 charge for additional guests. Please contact us via email with your head count or bring your totals with you to tonight’s meeting.

Our celebration is set for Saturday, June 7th. The doors will be open at 10am to allow everyone to be seated by 10:45am. The ceremony will begin promptly at 11am.

We are also collecting your top 10 photos of your scouting experience. If you could send them digitally to   or bring a copy to the meeting on June 2nd it would be much appreciated.

Further announcements to come so please check your email and posts to stay updated. Decorating and set up will be done on Friday night for those who are volunteering.

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