Hibernia Camping

Calling all Scouts and Parents,
     The Hibernia camping trip is fast approaching (8/15 – 8/17) and we need a final head count. Please contact me at kwonsor@cubscoutpack1776.org by Friday, August 8th, with your total head count. If you are not attending please still respond that you will not be joining us this time.
 Payments can be made Monday, August 11th, from 7pm- 8:30pm at our Scout hall.
  Directions will be available on our website, cubscoutpack1776.org
When: Friday August 15th  through Sunday August 17th
  Webelos Scouts may arrive after 4:00pm Friday afternoon.
  Cub Scouts will arrive Saturday morning after 9:00 am.When: Hibernia Park in Bucks County

Cost:  Cost is broken up into two portions; camping and optional Mansion tour.

  Camping: $13 per person spending one night (Cub Scouts), $17 per person spending two nights (Webelos Scouts)
  Mansion Tour: $3 per participant. (The tour is open to all) This is a great opportunity to learn some local history and visit a historical place. 

Please note: the above costs include the following meals;

  Webelos: Friday Dinner,Saturday Breakfast, Saturday Lunch, Saturday Dinner, Sunday Breakfast and  campfire snacks
  Cubs: Saturday Lunch, Saturday Dinner, Sunday Breakfast and  campfire snack
I advise each family to bring a case of water for drinking and washing up as this campground only offers Latrines and does not have washing facilities.
                                 ​Thank you,
Below is a list of items to bring:


  • Always Be Prepared
  • Talk to Akela about what you need to bring
  • Never go anywhere alone.  Always have a buddy.
  • Always carry the seven items below.




  • Personal First Aid Kit
  • Filled Water Bottle
  • Flashlight w/spare batteries & bulb
  • Whistle
  • Rain Gear
  • Sunscreen
  • Trail Food
  • Map & Compass
  • Pocketknife (Webelo scouts only and must have whittling chip)


**If you or your child need any medications be sure to bring them and store them in a zip lock bag.**
What you have above, is the basics necessary for taking care of yourself outdoors. It is vital to always have the above with your regardless of the activity type you are participating in.  Now for our camping trip the following items, in addition to the items above, are necessary for this weekend to be a successful and safe weekend.


  • Backpack for your gear
  • Class A Uniform
  • Class B Uniform
  • Scout Uniform hat or billed hat (ball cap)
    • A stocking cap is great to sleep in if you get cold easily
  • Clothes to sleep in (pajamas or sweats)
  • Sweatshirt and/or Jacket
  • Hiking boots (it is recommended that you scotchguard them)
  • Rain Gear (jacket and pants preferred over poncho)
  • Extra shoes, socks & underwear.
  • Extra set of clothes


  • Tent, poles, and stakes
  • Waterproof ground cloth (tarp or plastic sheet)
  • Sleeping bag +20 degree recommended (if it has cartoons or super-heroes on it it is NOT a sleeping bag)
  • Sleeping Pad
  • Pillow
  • Extra blanket (optional but could be necessary).


  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Cup or Mug
  • Toilet paper (remove tube, crush and put in zip lock bag) this is a must have !!!
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Soap, washcloth, towel
  • Cub Scout Handbook (in plastic bag)
  • Good Attitude!




  • Camp/Lawn chairs
  • Lantern
  • cooler/ice chest


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