Webelos Meeting November 3rd

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On November 3rd, our first year Webelos took their final test of all the exercises for the Athlete Activity and the Physical Fitness Belt loop. Whoever handed in their charts earned the activity. I heard a lot of boys say they lost their charts over the past month. I posted that form on an earlier post.

The Pioneers finished the Math portion of the Webelos STEM awards. I need 2 scouts to finish theirs up and hand it in.

Next week, all Webelos who participated in any of our summer activities, will help Miss Karen make posters for the pack meeting. The 3 boys who are new to scouting will go with Mister Jason and review the Bobcat requirements. If there is time, we will play softball in the gym with big Wiffle balls.

Please remember that we have our first pack meeting on November 24th. Scouts will receive all the medals they earned over the summer up until November 1st. We will also have our Bobcat initiation ceremony for all new scouts.

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