Bears & Webelos Progress Report – Feb 16, 2015

Whittling Chip CardOn Monday, February 16th, the Bears and Webelos completed their Knife Safety training. This class was designed to teach knife safety and additional rules that must be followed.  While this is a requirement for Bears, the pack required Webelos scouts to re-certify their training each year.


Our program took 2 den meetings and started last week with an introduction to various bladed items, their differences, and the validity of their use. We then covered a series of safety requirements and sent home a permissions slip and some home work which had to have been turned back in.

Last night we collected the permission slips (we do not award a whittling chip without parent/guardian permission), went over the homework assignment, and went into more detail about the safety circle. We then broke up into small groups of 3 scouts and practiced everything learned, including whittling a bar of soap.

Whittling ChipFor the bears, who attended both sessions, this completed Bear Achievement 19: Shavings and Chips and your Bear had earned his Whittling Chip and will receive a Whitlin’Chip Patch. This is a temporary patch which can be centered on the wearer’s right pocket (not the pocket flap).

For the Webelos, who attended both sessions, this renewed your Whittling Chip and you will receive a new dated card. We will note on the card the previous dates you earned it as well, if you’d like.

We may or may not have activities that allow the use of a pocketknife and having an up to date whittling chip card is a requirement to participate in such activities. Without said card, the scout is not permitted to have a pocketknife nor use a pocketknife at scout functions.


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