We just would like to follow up on a few things from Monday’s pack meeting…
Friends of Scouting
We would like to thank all those who have participated in Friends of Scouting so far. As we mentioned participation is far more important than amount collected and no contribution is too small. The goal is to show our support for scouting and the scouting program in whatever way we can and $5 is just as valuable as $500. If contributing right now is an issue you can simply commit to an amount and be billed. You could also spread your payments out monthly or quarterly to make things easier; $5/mth is $60 so it adds up quickly that way too.
What does Friends of Scouting (FoS) pay for? For starters it is the program from where all camperships come from. The average campership value was $80 (some more/some less depending on the camp program) meaning is you were able to donate $80, you’ve covered the cost of a campership for someone who otherwise may not be able to attend camp. It helps provide for our community based Cub Scout Day Camp programs throughout the council. Additionally it provides all of the support to make the program your scout is part of a success. Some examples are:
- Provide program resources used to plan and coordinate local unit programs.
- Provide basic leader training courses for adult leaders.
- Purchase audio-visual equipment and supplies to support training and program in local communities.
- Help pay liability insurance for registered adult leaders, chartered partners, youth members and the council.
- Offset the cost of background checks for all leaders.
- Pay for the cost of district professionals, who work with local leaders and communities to support and grow the Scouting program. These professionals recruit, train and support local volunteers who, in turn, work directly with youth to provide the Scouting program.
- Support local weekend programs, activities and the overall camping programs of the council.
- Support the maintenance and upkeep of council camping facilities including Musser and Resica Falls Scout Reservations.
Please bring your contribution form to the next scout meeting and remember Participation > Amount. Every donation will receive a flashlight for your scout, and every donation of $150 or more will receive a glow in the dark council shoulder patch and be invited to attend a special event.
Camp Cards
If anyone has money for camp cards, needs more, or wishes to get in on the fundraiser which helps your scout pay for summer camp please be sure to see Tim O’Keefe on Monday evening. How do the camp cards help you? Well for each $5 card you sell, up to half will be held in a ‘camp savings plan’ of sorts in order to assist your son with attending Summer Camp. Yes there are restrictions on how that can be used outlined in the attachment below
The deadline to submit your application for a Campership is Sunday March 1st. What exactly is a campership? Think of it as a scholarship or financial aid for Summer Camp valued up to 50% of the cost of camp. Get those applications in, because even if you do not plan on sending your son to camp, the camperships are transferable within the pack and you can help another scout get there. The form is attached below.
If asked for a password enter Pack155
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