Webelos Update 2-2

Tonight, the scouts who bought rockets finished assembling them. I’d like to thank all the parents who helped glue the fins on. Their homework is to paint the rockets this week. They also need to do question #1 on the NOVA Science Everywhere paper that tWebelos Badgehey received tonight. 2 of my scouts told me that they got in trouble and were banned from all electronics. I beg you to allow them to do their scout homework. (I promised to ask!). The other Webelos earned their Artist and Scientist belt loops tonight. It may be tough to believe that they are related, but we did an experiment to see how food cuoloring travels through plants and changes the colors of a Carnation’s petals. These scouts have no homework!

Next week, we will start knife safety and the following week, the boys will carve apples and soap with plastic knives. Scouts are NOT to bring their knives to these classes.

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