Food & Clothing Drive Results

Thank you everyone! After sorting, boxing and weighing the donations, I can honestly say I think we had great success with this food and clothing drive considering the short notice. Here are our total amounts and approximate weights. The apartment fire victims no longer needed clothes (other than socks and undergarments) so all clothing will be going to Purple Heart.

The totals for the fire victims is… food: 65 items weighing 54 pounds, kitchen/housewares: 3 sets of glasses and 7 other items weighing 15 pounds, toiletries: 43 items weighing 31 pounds, crafts: 7 items weighing 14 pounds, toys/instruments: 97 items weighing 62 pounds, books/DVDs/video games: 127 items weighing 52 pounds, towels/bedding: 21 items weighing 25 pounds, shoes: 43 pairs weighing 35 pounds, belts/hats/scarves/socks/undergarments: 118 items/pairs weighing 16 pounds. That’s a grand total of 304 pounds! We are delivering items to the apartment management company (M&M Management) tonight.

The clothing totals are as follows…men: 170 total items weighing 173 pounds, women: 172 items weighing 111 pounds, boys: 177 items weighing 75 pounds, girls: 18 items weighing 18 pounds, infants/toddlers: 63 items weighing 25 pounds and coats: 19 items weighing 23 pounds. That’s a grand total of 425 pounds of clothing!

Thank you everyone from Cub Scout Pack 155, Venturing Crew 1776, Boy Scout Troop 155 and Saints United Lutheran Church who donated their old belongings and their time to those in need.

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