Pancake Breakfast & Bake Sale Success

Pancake BreakfastI want to extend a hearty thank you to all who attended our first Scout Sunday Pancake Brunch. We had larger than expected turn out for our first run at this and the event was a huge success.

The members of our chartering organization, Saints United Lutheran Church, were nothing but complimentary.  They loved seeing the scouts working tirelessly to ensure everyone had their fill and enjoyed interacting with the leaders to learn about the programs we run.

With the church feeling it was a huge success they not only asked us to do this every year but they suggested we also consider running a spaghetti dinner and summer BBQ; both of which can be used as fundraisers to benefit our scouts.

Once again I’d like to extend a hearty thank you to the following for making this a huge success.

  • Cub Scouts: Thank you to those who attended the Scout Sunday service and to those who volunteered to work the brunch afterwords. Your attendance at the service made a great showing to our chartered organization and allowed them to showcase us to other members of the congregation. While a few of our cub scouts had specialty jobs, most worked as assistant servers and helped with cleanup. Great job to all of you!!!
  • Cub Scout Parents: The parents not only brought their scouts to attend the service but many of them contributed to the bake sale, attended the brunch, and spread the word to families and friends making this event a success.
  • Cub Scout Leaders: All leaders in attendance played a crucial role in the success of this event. Each one worked the entire time and didn’t eat until the end with the scout workers. From dealing with finances, to assisting with cooking, managing the floor, and managing the kitchen — you were busy and you were everywhere. Thank you Anna Andrijischyn, Chris Campagna, Karen Wonsor, Maureen Sytsma, Regina Giuffre, Shawna Tracey, and Tom Sytsma.
  • Saints United Lutheran Church: As our chartered organization a heartfelt thank you goes out to you for not only hosting our scouting units giving us a place to meet but for all of the support you continue to provide us.  We’d also like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to run this event and for participating in it as well. A special thank you goes out to Lynette Comitalo, the president of the church board, for working with us to coordinate the event.
  • Karen Wonsor: Karen was the driving force behind this event. She not only managed the kitchen like a pro, but she pulled together the resources of three scouting units and managed all of the volunteers from them to run this huge success.

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