2015 Summer Camps Update

2015 Cub Scout Cowboy HatNext week (May 4th) there will be a parent meeting on both summer day camp and resident camp. We will be going over the dates and forms that will be needed.

Resident Camp:

Tim O’Keefe will be attending Cub Resident Camp at Camp Hart the week of  July 26th – August 1st. There are openings still available for both half week ( July 26th-29th or July 29th – August 1st) and full week sessions. There are still openings for prior weeks at resident camp. Information will be made available at the parent meeting. The early bird rate is still available till May 15th.

More Information and Registration Links can be found here.

Torresdale Day Camp:

Camp is from July 6th – 10th. Information and forms will be available at the parent meeting. The early bird rate is still available till May 15th.

More Information and Registration Links can be found here.

Lorimer Park:

Camp is from July 20th – July 24th. Information and forms will be available at the parent meeting. The early bird rate is still available till May 15th.

More Information and Registration Links can be found here.

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