2015 End of Year Celebration



Venturing Crew 1776 Presents ‘A Cub Scout Movie Night’


This year’s celebration will be from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM on Saturday June 6th at the Saints United Lutheran Church Gym.  It will be a themed event with a meal and snacks being provided. So plan on a mid afternoon meal in place of lunch or dinner.  The doors will be opened around 12:15 PM at which point you are welcome to assist with any final arrangements.

This is a ticketed event and each scout will receive three tickets; one for himself and two for guests. Additional tickets may be purchased at the cost of $10 for anyone 15+,$5 for those 6-14, and free for anyone under the age of 6. Tickets are not transferable to other families; we will have limited tickets available at the door which will cost $15 for those 15+, $10 for those under the age of 15.

We need all headcounts no later than 8:00 PM on Monday June 1st, so that we may purchase the correct amount of food.  We will have sign up sheets at the front table starting tonight so you can indicate how many tickets you will need.

Scouts are required to be in uniform for this event. Others should dress for a nice evening out with the family.



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