2015 Fall Fest – Sign Ups Tonight

Fall Fest 2012Next Saturday, October 24, 2015 is Fall Fest up at Camp Hart.

These one-day events are for Cub Scouts and siblings that want to experience camp for a day. Scouts will go from station to station in a structured group and participate in activities like BB and Archery Shooting, Nature, Handicraft, fun games and Outdoor Skills.

  • BB Range
  • Archery
  • Slingshots
  • Apple Chucking
  • Pumpkin Carving
  • Relay Races
  • Cooking Demo
  • Nature
  • Handicraft
  • and much more!

Check-in starts at 8:15 AM Events run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Those wishing to signup for the Fall Fest as a group will need to submit their final headcount and payment by Monday October 19th.  The cost is $20 for Scouts/Siblings and $5 for Adults.

Remember New Scouts will need to turn in their application, health form, and dues so we can ensure they are registered.


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