Wolf Update 11/16/2015

Wolf Adventure: Running With the PackLast night the wolves worked on the fitness requirements across two different adventures, ‘Running with the Pack‘ and ‘Paws of Skill‘. The purpose of these two adventures are to promote physical fitness and good health through games and other fun activities.  During these two adventures they learn the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship as well as keeping themselves healthy & fit.

Some of the takeaways from these two requirements are how activities increase our fitness and make us feel better; observation, listening skills, and learning to follow directions; good sportsmanship is important;being fair and respectful in competition;teamwork; and choosing nutritious foods to help you live an active life.

The corresponding parts of the Scout Law for these two adventures are ‘A Scout is Friendly‘ and ‘A Scout is Helpful‘.

Requirements CoveredWolf Elective Adventure: Paws Of Skill

  • Running with the Pack: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (covered during a prior meeting)
  • Paws of Skill: 1, 2, and they started requirement 3

Remaining Requirements

  • Running with the Pack: 6
  • Paws of Skill: 3 (part two), 4, 5, 6, 7

Home Assignments

  • Practice jumping jacks and push ups to show improvement at the Dec 7th den meeting.
  • Read over the Running with the Pack Adventure in your Wolf Handbook (page 110).
  • Read over the Paws of Skill Adventure in your Wolf Handbook (page 282).

Reminder: Next Monday, November 23rd is our Pack meeting, all Wolves should wear their class A or field shirt, if they have them. Also we will not be meeting on Monday November 30th; we are off for our Thanksgiving recovery day.

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