Wolf Update 12/7/2015

Wolf Elective Adventure: Germs Alive!Last night the wolves started to wrap up the requirements for the Germs Alive adventure, completing the ‘in-den’ portion of requirements 4, 5, & 6.  There are family activities, activities to be done at home, in order to complete these requirements.

For requirement four the scouts played with an edible dough as an example of mucus and to show how mucus in our nose filters things we breath in. For requirement 5, the scouts took home a piece of damp bread in a baggie that they will track during the week as it grows mold. The results will be discussed next week. Lastly for requirement 6 the scouts were given charts to track their chores for the week.

In addition to the above the Wolves completed Howling at the Moon requirement 2: Create an original skit and started Council Fire requirement 2: With your Den make a duty chart to be performed for 1 month.


  • Track the bread and watch mold grow; tracking sheets were provided for the scouts to use.
  • Finish filling in the chore charts with your family and return signed for a gold star.


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