2016 Whittling Chip

Whittling Chip CardOn Monday, February 8th, the Bears and Webelos began their annual Knife Safety training. This class is designed to teach knife safety and additional rules that must be followed.  While this course is required for Bears and 2nd Year Webelos Scouts who have not already earned it, the pack requires any scout who has previously earned their whittling chip to take the training annually.

We started with an introduction to various bladed items, teach them the differences, and validity of their usage. We then cover a series of safety requirements and went over some quiz style questions to reinforce what they learned.

On Monday February 22nd, we will complete this course by having the scouts carve a few items. Those who missed the first week will need to be taken aside to cover the basics of knife safety and will be able to complete the second half of the course during one of the upcoming camping trips.

  • For Bears this course will complete the Bear Claws Adventure  and allow your Bear to earn his Whittling Chip Card.
  • For 1st year Webelos this isn’t a requirement for rank but the training is required to allow your Webelos to earn his Whittling Chip Card.
  • For 2nd year Webelos this is one of the requirements for the Arrow of Light Scouting Adventure.
  • For returning Webelos who have already earned their Whittling Chip Card, this training is required by the pack in order to upkeep the privilege of the whittling chip.
  • We may or may not have activities that allow the use of a pocketknife and having a whittling chip card is a requirement to participate in such activities.

That said, the scouts were handed a letter and a permission slip with the safety rules. These are attached below along with a homework sheet and a copy of safety rules and care tips they can keep.  Your scout must sign the permissions slip to acknowledge the rules, and a parent or guardian must also sign the slip acknowledging the rules and giving the scout permission to participate and earn his whittling chip. This slip along *MUST* be turned in on Monday February 22nd.  The homework sheet is due by Monday February 29th. Without these, your scout cannot earn his whittling chip.

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