Upcoming Hibernia Camping Trip

Camping BearIt looks like the weekend will be a perfect weekend for camping. The highs will be 77-82 and the overnight lows will be 61-62 making for pleasant afternoons and nice sleeping weather.

Arrival time is around 5:00 PM on Friday evening and we will have dinner for those coming Friday night.

The park address and details can be found on the calendar event page at: https://cubscoutpack1776.scouting1776.org/events/camping-hibernia-state-park/

For those who have never been, Hibernia has over 900 acres of trails, fishing sites, and more. If you like fishing and bicycling feel free to bring your gear; scouts with a whittling chip may bring a pocket knife if your parents approve.

Remember, if you wish to go fishing you are required to have a license if you are 16 or older.  If you go biking you must wear appropriate safety gear.

We look forward to seeing everyone there.



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