July 23rd Family Tubing Outing

Tubing ScoutThis Saturday, the 23rd, is our tubing trip down the Delaware River. If you are going, please email kwonsor@cubscoutpack1776.org and let us know how many people are going. If you want to car pool, we will leave pack 1776 at 9 AM. If you want to meet at the tubing parking lot, we should be there around 10:30a. The location is Bucks County River Country. The address is 2 Walters Lane, Point Pleasant, PA 18950. Go to http://www.rivercountry.net to get more information and to see what is allowed on the river and to purchase passes.

An email will go out Today as a follow up to this post.

Please Note: This is a family outing and not an official Scouting event.  Scouting insurance coverage does not apply.

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