2016 Hickory Run Camping Trip

Cub Scout Pack 155 Tent CampingOur August camping trip, our final Summer activity, to Hickory Run State Park is just a couple of weeks out. It is time to start collecting headcounts and payments.

When:  August 19th – August 21st
Where: Hickory Run State Park
Cost: $20 per person
Includes: All meals (Friday dinner through Sunday Breakfast & Campfire Snacks)

Full details: Camping: Hickory Run State Park

Headcounts and payments must be received no later than Thursday August 18, 2016. Headcounts can be made by email to Cubmaster Email or in person when making payments.

We will be available at the Saints United Gym on both Thursday August 11th between the hours of 7:00 PM and 8:30 PM to collect payments and in person headcounts.

Please see the full event details at  Camping: Hickory Run State Park – to know what gear one should bring.

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