2017 Discounted Dues Deadline

Dues Just a reminder that the early bird deadline is just around the corner. Paying your 2017 dues in full by November 14th will qualify for an early bird discount for you or a free Boys’ Life Magazine subscription for your scout.

If you unable to pay your dues in full for the discount please note that the deadline to have 2017 dues paid in full is Monday December 5th.  We need to have the 2017 charter paperwork ready for signatures by Dec 10th and turned into the Cradle of Liberty Council by Dec 15th. This gives us a very narrow window to get all of the paperwork turned in and get the signatures required collected. Your assistance in helping us get all of our paperwork completed and turned in on time is greatly appreciated.

Please note that the 2017 dues DO NOT include the dues that were required for the remainder of 2016 season. If there is still an outstanding balance on 2016 dues, this will be deducted before any balance is applied toward the 2017 dues.

If you have any problems or concerns please be sure to reach out to us, sooner rather than later, to discuss.

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