Attention all Lion Cub Parents: The Lion Cubs ARE meeting tomorrow, Monday January 16, 2017. Last week, we worked on the mountain lion achievement, requirements 1 and 2. For requirement 1, we gathered outdoor items we need for an outdoor adventure (such as hiking). We went over the 6 essentials we ALWAYS have on us which are; first aid kit, filled water bottle, trail food, sun protection, flashlight and a whistle. For requirement 2, we talked about S.A.W. Stay in place if lost, Answer if you hear your name, Whistle; BLOW IT! We were missing a few cubs last week, so I plan on going over these again. 🙂 Tomorrow we will also work on Animal Kingdom requirement 2: Show you know what to do in an emergency. Requirement 3 will be HOMEWORK for boys, I’ll post details about that after tomorrow night’s meeting. Have a great night, hope to see you all tomorrow at 7pm.
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