Scout Night at The Phillies

2017 Phillies Scout Patch

Scout Night at the Phillies is on our Calendar as an optional activity; however due to interest and a leader attending, we are converting the Tuesday night game to an actual Pack activity.  In order to do this we will need to move fast.

It is a special night held by the Philadelphia Phillies for Scouts and their families at reduced ticket prices.  Tickets include a pre-game parade on the field for all scouts in full uniform, and scouts will receive a special patch seen here. Units with 25 or more tickets get their name listed on the side auxiliary message boards during the game.  You can view the calendar event here.

As stated above, we will need to move fast.  We have 30 seats reserved at $16 each.  The seats will be in Section 204 (Pavilion), rows 8 & 9, and we should have the ability to add more should there be a need.

Headcount and Payment is due at tonight’s (March 27th, 2017) Cub Scout Meeting.   We do understand that short notice is tough for some, so we will also take payment during Crew 1776’s meeting at the gym on Thursday March 30th, 2017 from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.

Thanks go to Den Leader, Dan Griess, and Scout Parent, Sandi Ramos, who teamed up to make this a pack event. They are contact points for this event, and their contact information will be on the flier handed out at tonight’s scout meeting.

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