2017 Fort Washington Camping Trip

Cub Scout Pack 155 Tent CampingOur Fort Washington camping trip is rapidly approaching and it is time to start getting a headcount to ensure we have ample supplies for the event.  Specifics about the location, directions, and such can be found on the calendar event linked above.

The camping trip is from Friday May 5th through Sunday May 7th at Fort Washington State Park.  We will be camping at Site A and the cost of the camping trip is $20 per person which includes all meals for the weekend: Friday Night Cracker Barrel; Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Campfire Snacks; and Sunday Breakfast.

We have started collecting headcounts at the last meeting and will need final headcounts and payments by Monday May 1st.

It is always suggested that families bring a case of water. Additionally here are the supplies list below

Outdoor Essentials for Cub Scouts

  • Personal first aid kit
  • Filled water bottle
  • Flashlight with spare bulb and batteries
  • Whistle
  • Rain Gear
  • Sunscreen
  • Trail Food
  • Map & Compass

With permission and appropriate training:

  • Pocketknife (Whittling Chip required for scout activities)

** If you or your scout require any medications please be sure to bring them and store them in a zip lock bag **

What you have above, is the basics necessary for taking care of yourself outdoors. It is vital to always have the above with your regardless of the activity type you are participating in.

Now for our camping trip the following items, in addition to the items above, are necessary for this weekend to be a successful and safe weekend.

  • Backpack for your gear
  • Class A Uniform/Class B Uniform
  • Scout Uniform hat or billed hat (ball cap)
  • A knit cap is great to sleep in if you get cold easily
  • Clothes to sleep in (pajamas or sweats)
  • Sweatshirt and/or Jacket
  • Hiking boots (it is recommended that you scotchguard them)
  • Rain Gear (jacket and pants preferred over poncho)
  • Extra shoes, socks & underwear.
  • Extra set of clothes
  • Tent, poles, and stakes
  • Waterproof ground cloth (tarp or plastic sheet)
  • Sleeping bag +20 degree recommended (if it has cartoons or super-heroes on it it is NOT a sleeping bag)
  • Sleeping Pad
  • Pillow
  • Extra blanket (optional but could be necessary).
  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Cup or Mug and Mess Kit
  • Toilet paper (remove tube, crush and put in zip lock bag) this is a must have !!!
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Soap, washcloth, towel
  • Cub Scout Handbook (in plastic bag)
  • Good Attitude!


  • Camp/Lawn chairs
  • Lantern
  • cooler/ice chest

Please note, that even though that this camping trip is at the beginning of May, it can still get quite chilly at night. Be prepared!

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