Summer & First Den Meeting Wrap Up

We had a great first night back and we were excited to see all of our scouts eager to begin a new year of adventure and fun. We were able to hear some of the neat adventures that were had outside of scouts over the Summer as well as meet a few new faces.

First Den Meeting Wrap Up

At our first den meeting of the year, things were kept simple as we start getting back into the swing of things

Lions: The Lions did not meet.

Tigers: The Tigers worked on introductions to one another and what they think Scouting is all about. The Tigers ended the meeting playing Twister and thinking of ideas for their Den Code of Conduct, which they will complete next week!

Wolves: The Wolves created a memory game to remind them of their den rules, discussed their Summers, and made posters for the upcoming Cub Fun Day.

Bears: The Bears spent their first meeting getting to know each other, sharing the things that they like to do, and their favorite subjects in school. They then discussed how they like and dislike to be treated as well as how they should act to establish their rules of conduct. Next week they will discover how their hobbies and interests related to upcoming scouting activities.

Webelos: The Webelos discussed the importance of team work and working together to accomplish a common goal. This was reinforced with a few rounds of “Blob Tag” and its variations.

Arrow of Light: The AOL den discussed their summer adventures and reflected back on their adventures in scouting thus far. They talked about their favorite aspects of scouting that they hope to experience more in their final year of cub scouting. Following this they practiced simple knots to prepare for creating a knot board for the pack, and to refresh this important skill. To end the meeting, they joined the Web 1 den for some fun and outdoor games!

National Summertime Award

Pack 1776 has earned the National Summertime Award by ensuring that we had at least one activity pack sponsored activity during each of the Summer months. 67% of our scouts participated in one or more Summer activities with 4 scouts participating in at least one activity each month to earn the National Summertime Award pin.   Our activities this Summer were as follows:

  • June: We went Camping at Fort Washington State Park, though at times we lovingly referred to it as Fort Washout. The rain kept us nice and clean and amazingly, in a downpour, we managed to keep that campfire going. Despite the rain, everyone still had a great time.
  • July: July was all about Summer Camp. The second week of the month was Summer Day Camp with the last week of the month being Summer Resident Camp. Quite a few scouts got a head start on advancement by attending one or even both of these camps.
  • August: We went camping at Hickory Run State Park and the park is just full of gorgeous views. Venturing Crew 1776 also hosted a Solar Eclipse Viewing Picnic for all the scout units to make their viewing boxes, play some games, watch the eclipse and learn a bit about the phenomena, including the relationship between Einstein’s theory of relativity and an eclipse — who knew?

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