Revolutionary Germantown 2017

Revolutionary GermantownThis weekend the groups that serves to preserve historic Germantown will be hosting their annual festival.  When we think of colonial cities we naturally think of Philadelphia but we often forget that what now makes up Philadelphia’s neighborhoods were once their own cities and towns lying in the outskirts of Philadelphia. Germantown was one such city located 7 miles North of Philadelphia. Visiting this neighborhood is literally visiting a city within a city filled with historical sites of its own such as the Germantown White House and Chew Mansion to name a couple.

There will be several events going on through out the day including a couple of live shows, which include two reenactments of the Battle of Germantown.

The boys who attend this event will have the opportunity to fulfill several requirements, listed below. Some do require the boys to interact and or work with others to complete.  Below is a list of what the boys in attendance can fulfill throughout the day.

What to Bring

You really don’t need to bring much besides yourselves.  You could purchase food and drink down there but it is much more cost effective to bring your own lunch which can also help with meeting the Picnic requirements.  This is a rain or shine event so be sure to be prepared. As they say “the show must go on.”  On that note a blanket to sit on while eating lunch is another option to make the day more enjoyable.  Also a notebook and pen to take notes for some of the requirements is a plus too.

To summarize; all are optional as you will have to carry them but recommended:

  • Lunch
  • water
  • blanket (to sit and eat lunch)
  • notepad and pen
  • rain gear
  • camera
  • The boys should wear their scout uniforms, or as much of their uniform as they have.

Who To Look For

There will be several people from the pack in attendance you can check into at the event.  All you need to do is say hi and let them know you are there. We will be meeting at 10:00 am on the lawn of the the Upsula, directly across the street from the Cliveden House/Chew Mansion.

  • Kristine, our Bear Den Leader, will be there. She will be the primary lead on this event and will be wearing her Class A uniform to make herself easier to find.
  • Karen, our Assistant Cubmaster, will be there as is the secondary contact for this event.
  • Other leaders attending will be: Kristyn Bair, Tigers Den Leader; Dan Griess, Webelos Den Leader; and other leaders will be added as they confirm their attendance.

Lunch Suggestion: The first battle is at 12:00 noon.  We will be having lunch at 11:15 so we are finished with lunch prior to the noon reenactment. Lunch will likely be in one of the corners of the property. Kristine and Karen will choose a lunch location when they arrive on site and will let everyone know at the morning meeting.


Each year the event gets bigger and better. This year several of the additional sites are including their own hands on activities. Additionally between the 12:00 and 3:00 Battles there will be a Children’s Muster at Upsala from 1:30-2:30. This will be a chance for your scout to see what it was like to sign up and drill in the Continental Army.

Resource Links (click)
Revolutionary Germantown
Events for the day
Historic Sites of Germantown
Historical Information
Downloadable Map of the Area

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