Wolf Den Update 10/09/2017

Wolf Elective Adventure: Hometown HeroesThis week the Bears and the Wolves worked together. Those who went to the Revolutionary Germantown festival shared their experience with the rest of the dens and talked about famous people and places along with their significance in history to complete Hometown Heroes requirement 1. The conversation then turned to a conversation about freedom and the significance of the American flag, setting the tone for the Council Fire Adventure in the near future.

Wolf Adventure: Howling at the MoonThe wolves then moved on to Howling at the Moon as planned and completed requirement 1, showing that they can communicate in multiple ways.  They completed this task by learning about and practicing communicating with each other using morse code, nautical flags, and semaphore flags.

Next week the Wolves will continue with Howling at the Moon and likely move to Council Fire after that.


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