Wolf Den Update 10/02/2017

Wolf Elective Adventure: Cubs Who CareOn Monday, the wolves completed the Cubs Who Care elective adventure which was started at the Open House on 9/25/17. They completed requirements 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7, completing more than the four required to complete the adventure.

This adventure is intended to help Wolf Cub Scouts learn about physical disabilities, which are more easily and readily understood at their age than are learning disabilities and mental impairments. They examined how sports such as ice hockey, soccer, and basketball have been adapted for blindness and paraplegics; they learned about invisible disabilities such as mental health issues or those caused by brain injury; they drew a picture with and without a blindfold and discussed how they had to adapt with with techniques such as finger placement and not removing the crayon. Lastly they talked about famous people with disabilities such as Albert Einstein, Stevie Wonder, and Cher.

Next Week

Next week the wolves will be working on either Howling at the Moon requirements 1-3 though if the weather is nice they may also do Air of the Wolf requirements 2a & 2d.



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