Tigers Update- April 9th

Tiger Elective Achievement: Safe and Smart

Safe and Smart



This week the Tigers completed requirements 3 and 4 of the Safe and Smart Adventure which completes this elective  for the Tigers. We reviewed what we have learned in prior weeks and they showed that they can “Stop, Drop, and Roll.” and demonstrated how to safely roll someone else in a blanket to put out a fire. The Tigers then joined the Lions and Wolfs for some physical fitness fun!






As a reminder: Each rank requires that scouts earn the Cyber Chip award in order to earn their rank. If you have not done so already, please complete the following:

1. Read, commit to, and sign the Level 1 Internet Safety Pledge. (BSA Cyber Chip blue card).
2. Watch the video “Bad Netiquette Stinks.” at http://www.netsmartzkids.org/LearnWithClicky/BadNetiquetteStinks
3. Play the Router’s Birthday Surprise Interactive Adventure, and print the completion certificate to give your den leader.
4. Show and tell your family, den leader, den, or pack what you have learned.

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