Scouting for Food 2018-November Activities

Scouting For Food is one of nation’s largest food drives that Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venture Crew members participate in to support their local Food Pantries and Hunger Relief agencies.

The Scouts of the Cradle of Liberty Council have continuously exceeded expectations and fully stocked dozens of our partner agencies with bags and bags of canned food.

We will meet this Saturday, November 10th at 10:00am at the gym to begin our annual Scouting for Food drive. Everyone will be divided into groups with multiple adults per group and we will go out and place tags on all doors within our given areas.   Next weekend we will go collect the bags of canned goods.  Families are encouraged to take home some extra tags to distribute on their own block.

The time accumulated this weekend and next will count as community service for the scouts and maximum participation may help us qualify for the Messengers of Peace award.


On Saturday, November 17th at 10:00am, our Scouts will participate in the collection of bags of canned goods. That evening we will be having our 1st pack meeting of the year, followed by a lock in for all scouts. The pack meeting will be from 5-7, all scouts and their families are encouraged to attend. During the pack meeting scouts will be acknowledged for their advancement thus far.

The lock-in will start at 7pm and is $5 per person which includes pizza, drinks, and a small breakfast in the morning. Scouts will have the opportunity to enjoy the night with their friends while playing games and preparing for the Mayfair Thanksgiving Day Parade that will take place on Sunday, November 18th. The Unit will be leaving from the church at approximately 9:30am to gather at Welsh and Frankford Avenues, where we will be leaving at approximately 12pm to begin the parade route, down Frankford Avenue. If you plan to attend please email me and/or sign up on Monday in the back of the gym.

**Please note that parents of Lions, Tigers, and Wolves will be required to stay with their scout during the sleep over and walk with the Pack during the parade.

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