Wolves are getting ready for Spring with hiking and camping preparedness

Cub Scout Six Essentials Over the past two weeks, wolves have worked on various required and elective adventures related to hiking, camping and being prepared.  Our program is designed to teach safety, as represented by the buddy system, what to do in an emergency, how to handle different weather conditions and natural disasters, signaling for help, what items to have on hand, and more.  We also learned about the outdoor code and general principles on how to treat the land and wildlife.  Our cubs built first aid kits and learned a new knot.   All in all, this is all prep for the fun hiking and camping activities that we have scheduled for the warmer days ahead.  The best part is: these skills are not only useful for hiking and camping – they are life skills that can and should be applied to any outing, school trip, vacations and experiences.  So, parents, we encourage you to review our six essentials and other preparedness measures with your child at every opportunity.  Really all it requires is common sense and repetition on your part.  All of our guidelines and lists may be found on the BSA website, on scoutbook and in the wolf manual! So, just remember  – outings are fun, but a lot more so when we know our child is safe and prepared!

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