The Cub Scout SaluteJust checking in with our scout families!  We know this virus is scary and has upended our lives on so many levels, so we at 1776 just want to say HANG IN THERE. We are all in this together. Let’s just do our part and stay isolated unless your job requires you out and about. Practice good hand washing and proper coughing and sneezing measures, all around good hygiene. We may as well use this as a good learning opportunity for ourselves and our children.

Try to find the silver linings – on one hand 24/7 with the kids can be trying for sure, but it’s also a blessing in disguise.  You can use this time to help your child reach rank advancement by following the den requirements on Scoutbook.com, via the handbook and by referencing the materials and activity suggestions/resources sent by your den leaders. It’s all fun stuff that can be done indoors and outdoors that teaches as well as combats boredom in so many fun ways – which means less cabin fever For them and less chance of you going stir crazy! Regularly engaging  in family activities together will only bring you together and make you stronger and make this whole situation more bearable.

Essentially, this is what cubscouts is all about- when we come together in dens and as a pack, or virtually with our families, we are forming a bond and learning and working as a team, just as the program intended.   You are our scout family!

We may be unable to physically see you right now, but you are never far from our thoughts and we miss you. Please check in periodically to let us know how you are – we are only an email away.   Stay safe, stay healthy, don’t be afraid to answer your children’s questions truthfully- which can be done without scaring them further-  and please reach out if you need help:  Our Pack Committee has expertise with shelter in place and are very knowledgeable on how to prepare for various situations. This, of course, is so very new to all of us, but if we are able to help in any way, we will.

Like you, we have no idea when we will return to our meeting place, but we hope it is soon.  We will check in every week and forward any new scout return information that comes our way.

in the meantime, stay safe!  Don’t take any unnecessary risks! Focus on the positives like reconnecting and STAY HOME unless it’s to enjoy your back yard or to commune with nature at a park or woods ** keeping the required 6’ distance from others.

We miss all of you very much, so please pass on a virtual hug from all of the leaders and den chiefs!

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